Message of the Prior General for the Feast of Saints Alypius and Posidius

The Prior General addressed a letter to the youth of the Recollect Augustinian Youth on the occasion of the feast of Saints Alipio and Posidio, patrons of the RAY. On the feast of Saints Alypius and Possidius, the patron saints of the Augustinian Recollect Youth, I would like to address all the RAY members to…

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LECTIO DIVINA: Ascension of the Lord, Cycle A

Mt. 28:16-20. A. Invoking the Holy Spirit. We invoke the Holy Spirit using the words of St. Augustine.           Come, Holy Spirit, by whom every devout soul, who believes in Christ, is sanctified to become a citizen of the City of God! (en. Ps. 45:8) Come, Holy Spirit, grant that we receive the motions of…

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Mangrove growing and coastal clean-up in Philippines

Last April 15, 2023 and May 6, 2023, ARCORES Philippines, in partnership with University of San Jose-Recoletos’ (USJ-R) Institute of Non Formal Education and Community Outreach Program (INFECOP), conducted a mangrove growing and coastal clean-up at Barangay Luyang, Carmen, Cebu. The April 15, 2023 event was participated by 70 Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) students, 27 employees,…

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Prior General visits Central America

Friar Miguel Angel Hernandez begins a fraternal visit to the communities and ministries of Panama, Cuba, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. The Prior General begins this Tuesday, May 8, a two-month fraternal visit to the communities and ministries of Panama, Cuba, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. Friar Miguel Angel Hernandez will get to…

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LECTIO DIVINA: 6th Sunday of Easter, Cycle A

Jn. 14:15-21. A. Invoking the Holy Spirit. We invoke the Holy Spirit using the words of St. Augustine.           Come, Holy Spirit, by whom every devout soul, who believes in Christ is sanctified to become a citizen of the City of God! (en. Ps. 45:8) Come, Holy Spirit, grant that we receive the motions of…

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NHCP unveils “Ang mga Agustino Rekoleto sa Pilipinas” marker

CEBU CITY – On the 402nd anniversary since the establishment of the Recollect missionary in Cebu in 1621, the historical marker “Ang Mga Agustino Rekoleto sa Pilipinas” was unveiled at the University of San Jose- Recoletos (USJ-R) main campus. The unveiling was led by NHCP Chairman Dr. Emmanuel Franco Calairo and Rev. Fr. Bernard C.…

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