Homilies and Lectio Divina

In the name of Jesus

By Fray Hubert Dunstan Decena, OAR / September 29, 2018 / Comments Off on In the name of Jesus

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Cycle B Nm. 11:25-29; Jas. 5:1-6; Mk. 9:38-43, 45, 47-48. Shortly after Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, he met his father-in-law Jethro who rejoiced in the Lord for this great gift of the Exodus. Later Jethro observed that Moses was occupied all day settling the disputes among the people. He…

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Archbp. Soc: Consolation without sorrow is ‘cheap grace’

By Bro. Ioannes Arong / September 6, 2018 / Comments Off on Archbp. Soc: Consolation without sorrow is ‘cheap grace’

Urbiztondo, PANGASINAN – Sorrow and consolation can’t be separated as they are two sides of the same coin. This was the content of the homily delivered by Archbishop Socrates Villegas during the mass he officiated at the Augustinian Recollect parish of Our Lady of the Visitation in Pasibi East in Urbiztondo, Pangasinan last Sept. 4,…

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God’s Love in the Family

By Fray Virgil Paredes, OAR / December 29, 2017 / Comments Off on God’s Love in the Family

The feast that we celebrate today, which belongs fully to the Christmas cycle, is an invitation to look towards Nazareth and contemplate the life of the family of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. In this family the fragile Jesus who was born in the manger, submitted to the advice and teachings of his mother and showed…

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She kept silent and treasured all these things in her heart

By Fray Jerik Troy Siozon, OAR / December 29, 2017 / Comments Off on She kept silent and treasured all these things in her heart

There was this one time, a few weeks right after I arrived in the missions in Panamá, where I was the only one left in our parish. My two other companions were not around because they had to do attend to other commitments. A middle-aged woman probably in her late fifties suddenly came knocking on…

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My Christmas “yes”

By Fray Allan M. Jacinto, OAR / December 24, 2017 / Comments Off on My Christmas “yes”

 I just can’t imagine how festive the atmosphere right now knowing that we are already on the 4th and the last Sunday of Advent which coincides with the last day of “Simbang Gabi” and that finally the long wait is over!

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The secret of a happy and joyful Christmas (Midnight Mass)

By Fray Leopoldo V. Estioko, OAR / December 24, 2017 / Comments Off on The secret of a happy and joyful Christmas (Midnight Mass)

Christmas has lost its original meaning for many people. Hopefully we can go beyond the superficial celebration of Christmas and instead focus on Jesus, love and giving.

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The Nativity of Christ (Christmas Day)

By Fray Lounal Jarumay, OAR / December 24, 2017 / Comments Off on The Nativity of Christ (Christmas Day)

Readings: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1,2-3,3-4,5-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-14 “COME.” This has been our cry while hopefully waiting for our Savior Jesus Christ. This prayerful supplication is a confession of a wounded race that is incapable of coming closer to God without God himself extending his hands. At the same time, it is our confession…

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John means “God’s gift”

By Fray Rommel Rubia, OAR / December 22, 2017 / Comments Off on John means “God’s gift”

The first time I realized that the name JOHN is an abbreviated expression that means “Gift of God,” I was really filled with amazement. For Zachariah and Elizabeth who was barren all their lives, the baby named John was indeed a great gift, a blessing from God.

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7th Sunday of Simbang Gabi (Dec. 22, 2017)

By Fray Gideon Antolin U. Lagrimas, OAR / December 21, 2017 / Comments Off on 7th Sunday of Simbang Gabi (Dec. 22, 2017)

Noong nasa elementarya pa ako lagi kung naririnig sa mga matatanda na ang mapagkumbaba ay pinagpapala. Tulad ni Maria ang kanyang kababaang loob ang nagtulak sa kanya na  tanggapin ang misyon na iniatas ng Diyos sa kanya na maging Ina ng Diyos at siya ay biniyayaan.

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Bearer of Good Tidings

By Fray Mark Rochelle F. Renacia, OAR / December 20, 2017 / Comments Off on Bearer of Good Tidings

On this 6th day of the Simbang Gabi, we reflect on the Canticle of Mary, prominently known as the Magnificat. It was the most joyous song ever recorded in the bible.

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