Reflection: Up to what extent can your faith go?
Read MoreIs 56:1, 6-7 Ps 67:2- Rm 11: 13-15. 29-32 Mt 15:21-28 +++++ At the back of our minds, sometimes we wonder why our prayers don’t always get dramatic results as the woman’s prayer in the Gospel. Maybe it is because we don’t have enough love, enough humility and enough faith. ++++++…
Read MoreReflection: Many Christians today are fascinated or even more they are inclined to worship services that are like rock concerts. They like the noise and music that make them feel good in themselves. This is a sad reality that is much different from the experience of the Prophet Elijah in our 1st Reading, God is…
Read More19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 1 Kings 19:9, 11-13 /Ps 859, 10. 11-12 Rom9:1-5 Mt 14:22-33 ***** When the Lord told the prophet Elijah to go to the mountain because he would pass by, the prophet expected a miraculous event. But the mighty God did not appear in…
Read MoreFeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord Reflection: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration. This celebration highlights for us the Lord’s glory as the Son of God and our Savior. The Transfiguration, for the disciples, is an invitation to faith. The days that followed this event in Mt. Tabor was devastating, the…
Read MoreFeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord WE WANT SUCCESS WITHOUT STRUGGLE; WE WANT FULFILLMENT WITHOUT HARD WORK. ***** The transfiguration of Jesus depicts a glimpse of Christ’s glory, of his resurrection, but it had to be achieved with the greatest of pain. Strictly speaking, it was unnecessary for Jesus to go through…
Read More18th Sunday A Multiplication of Loaves In today’s Gospel, we see that the disciples were so concerned about the hungry crowd that they asked Jesus to dismiss them so that they could go and buy for themselves something to eat. But Jesus tells them: “You give them something to eat. You take care of…
Read MoreReflection: We all have fears, whether they have rational grounds or none. Many people today are afraid things that are merely aethetics and are not necessary for life, but are seen to be necessary. Sometimes also our own security is compromised and fear sets in. But Jesus reminds us today that there is a fear…
Read MoreReflection: The Parable of the weeds and the wheat teaches us that God’s wisdom is always beyond our human expectations. When we see weeds (evil) would think that they should be uprooted instantly as we see it. But God sees that when weeds are pulled out sometimes they take with them the wheat, weeds can…
Read MoreReadings Wis 12:13. 16-19 Ps 86:5-6. 9-10. 15-16 Rom 8:26-27 Mt. 13:24-43 Last Sunday we focused on planting seeds while this Sunday we will be talking about pulling weeds. The two go together. As a gardener, I know so well that it is much easier to plant seeds than pulling the weeds—and much more time-consuming…
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