Education | REAP

OAR Visayas Schools’ 3 One Assembly

By Agustinos Recoletos | February 28, 2025 | Comments Off on OAR Visayas Schools’ 3 One Assembly
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The Visayas OAR schools gathered for the 3 Ones Assembly (February 26-27, 2025) to experience the sweetness of coming together as one family sharing with each other one’s best. Listening to the oratorical, declamation pieces and extemporaneous speeches of the young people was truly moving and enlightening. The young participants articulated their fears, frustrations, as well as the joys and dreams of the present generation, allowing the participants to see through their souls and their struggles.


UNO-R Celebrates 2 Feasts

The University of Negros Occidental–Recoletos and the Oratory of St. Nicholas of Tolentino is celebrating the two fiestas–the feastday of St. Ezekiel Moreno, the patron saint of cancer patients on August 19 and St. Augustine on August 28.