Missions: Sharing the Faith…Building Lives

3rd OAR International Mission Congress

mission congress 2006

The publication of the acts and proceedings of the 3rd OAR Mission CONGRESS is but another tool that the members of the Augustinian Recollect Family may use to deepen and intensify love of Christ and the Church. The testimonies of elders and predecessors, the difficulties in foreign and local territories, the growth in faith and hope of religious formed in most challenging assignments—all put into writing and published—should inspire us all the more to recollect and live out more strictly the charism of our father St. Augustine.

Product details:

Dimensions: 6 inches x 9 inches

No. of pages: 637

Cover: Soft bound cover

Price: P380.00



For orders, please contact us at:

Tel. Nos. (02) 8926-0959; (02) 8456-1658

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