Section for Recollect Augustinian Youth
Recollect Augustinian Youth
This is the group organized by the National Vocation Director under the supervision of the Section for Vocation Ministry and is the local version of the “Juventud Agustino Recoleta” (JAR). The Section and the National Vocation Director shall prepare the manual for the “Recollect Augustinian Youth” (RAY) and have it implemented once approved by the Prior Provincial and his council.
The religious dedicated to the pastoral ministry are to remember that the Lord calls at any age, at any time. Let them therefore foster pastoral work with the young (baptized and confirmed), with university students and with adults. Let there be formation programs and follow-up activities for groups from which vocations to the religious life and the priesthood could arise.

Fray Dexter Joseph Palagtiosa, OAR
Head, Section for Recollect Augustinian Youth