Our Lady of Consolation Parish-Recoletos Talisay City, Cebu

July 1988
Newly-elected and first Filipino vicar provincial Victor Lluch accepted the offer from Ricardo Cardinal Vidal who suggested that the future parish be named after the blessed Mother. Being the closest to the Recoletos the title “Our Lady of Consolation” was chosen.
August 1, 1989
Laying down and blessing of the cornerstone led by Cardinal Vidal. Installation of Fr. Faustino Paglinawan as first parish priest.
October 3, 1989
Start of the construction of the Parish church located at laray, San Roque, Talisay City, Cebu.
October 27, 1990
Inauguration and blessing of the Parish Church, By Bishop Manuel Salvador in lieu of the cardinal.
November 5, 1991
Construction of the parish convent at the back of the church.
July 23, 1992
The parish priest himself led the blessing and inauguration of the new convent.
March 30-31, 2001
First pastoral visit of Bishop Antonio Rañola, auxiliary bishop of Cebu, to evaluate the status of the parish.
December 24, 2003
Blessing of the newly-installed neon-lighted cross atop the church roof.
September 2006
Repainting of the Parish Church for the first time and repair of the dilapidated ceilings.
February 2007
The Parish Office was transferred from a room at the first floor of the convent to what used to be adoration chapel.
June 2008
Recorded to have the most number of the religious (5!) in its history. The parish priest’s involvement in natural farming makes the parish famous among pro-environment sectors.
Parish Priest
1989 Faustino Paglinawan
1997 Casiano Cosmilla
2000 Delfin Castillo
2003 Federico Gregorio
2006 Domingo Saladaga