19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflection: Many Christians today are fascinated or even more they are inclined to worship services that are like rock concerts. They like the noise and music that make them feel good in themselves. This is a sad reality that is much different from the experience of the Prophet Elijah in our 1st Reading, God is in the tiny whispering sound, not in the rushing wind, in the earthquake, not in the lighting, and not in the fire.
Relationship with the Lord starts with us communing with Him in the silence of our hearts. Silence is important in making decisions, in listening to God’s Word. This is why Jesus had to silence the wind and sea, because they distracted the disciples from focusing on Him.
Many tribulations and pains in life distract us from communion with Lord. We have to learn again the beauty of silence in our lives. In our prayers and worship silence is important. A “feel-good” worship with all the loud music and noise does not bring us to communion with God, rather to ourselves. God is now inviting us to commune with Him, as he did with Elijah and Jesus, in silence of our hearts.