RESOURCE holds Flores de Mayo 2018

Resource-Handumanan holds the annual Flores de Mayo Catechism program. The Ninety-one Participants are children of RESOURCE beneficiaries while others are from the neighbouring Puroks.  The group is divided into subgroups consisting of ten Post communicants; forty First Communicants; forty-one Beginners.
Meanwhile, prior to the Flores de Mayo activities, the Youth Catechists from RESOURCE undergone Catechetical Instructions Training, sponsored by the Holy Family Parish, Brgy. Handumanan. Mrs. Melinda Baterna, a teacher by profession and a resident of RESOURCE guides the youth catechists for their instructional methods and strategies. Facilitating the month-long religious activities are Mrs. Elinor V. Mariano, Chair of the Resource Committee on Religious Affairs, and Mr. Aaron Kim Gil, RSW, RESOURCE Social Worker.