Fray Juan Pablo Martínez is new General Secretary

ROME — Fray Juan Pablo Martínez Peláez, OAR was appointed General Secretary of the Order of Augustinian Recollects during the General Council meeting held in Rome last November 12, 2018.
The appointment disseminated to all Provinces through Protocol CG 180/2018, dated November 13, 2018, was made by the Prior General with the consent of his Council and in accordance with the Order’s Additional Code numbers 362.8 and 368.
Fray Juan Pablo replaces Fray Javier Tello Vegas, OAR who was elected First Councilor in a recently-concluded Provincial Chapter of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanueva. With his new assignment, Fray Javier is, at the same time, the Vicar of the said Province.

In what seemed to be a brief farewell note he sent to the major offices of the Order, Fray Javier who was appointed General Secretary on April 23, 2013 wrote: “Ha sido un placer y un honor poder servir a la Orden y a la familia Agustiniana desde este cargo. Con humildad pido perdón por los errores y pido vuestra oración para cumplir con la nueva tarea que se me ha encomendado.” (“It has been a pleasure and honor to be able to serve the Order and the Augustinian [Recollect] Family through this office. I humbly beg your pardon for my mistakes and I ask for your prayers that I may accomplish the new task entrusted to me.”)
A Colombian by citizenship, Fray Juan Pablo is a General Councilor and President of the General Secretariat of Vocations and Youth Ministry. He was born in Medellín in 1983, professed his vows as Augustinian Recollect in 2004, and was ordained a priest in 2008. He obtained his Licentiate in Sacred Liturgy in Rome in July of 2016. Later that historic year of 2016, he was elected member of the General Council for the sexennium 2016-2022.
Thank you, Padre Javier, for your service and dedication. Thank you, too, Padre Juan Pablo, for accepting another challenging job. To both of you, good luck.
(Photo below: Fray Juan Pablo Martínez Peláez, OAR, the newly appointed General Secretary of the Order of Augustinian Recollects.)