OAR World

Message from the Bishops to the Augustinian Recollect Family

By Agustinos Recoletos / May 27, 2024 / Comments Off on Message from the Bishops to the Augustinian Recollect Family

Convened  by  the  Prior  General of  the  Order,  the Augustinian Recollect  Bishops have gathered in Rio de Janeiro from May 20 to 24, 2024, to share personal and pastoral experiences in the Churches where we have been sent. During these days, we experienced how the Holy Spirit is the protagonist of the synodal process; He…

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If I were born again, I would be an Augustinian Recollect again

By Agustinos Recoletos / June 24, 2023 / Comments Off on If I were born again, I would be an Augustinian Recollect again

The Prior Provincial of the Province of San Ezequiel Moreno, Fray Bernard Amparado, assures that his vocation as an Augustinian Recollect is “my own identity”. Fray Bernard Cañada Amparado has been an Augustinian Recollect for more than three decades. Even today, he would not change the decision he made more than 30 years ago: “If…

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A fraternal encounter with the Provinces

By Agustinos Recoletos / April 18, 2023 / Comments Off on A fraternal encounter with the Provinces

From April 17 to 21, the Prior General and his Council will hold their annual meeting with the four provincial priors for the first time since the 56th General Chapter. The Prior General, Fray Miguel Ángel Hernández, and his General Council will meet from April 17 to 21 with the provincial priors of the four…

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Four topics to deepen in four years

By Agustinos Recoletos / March 31, 2023 / Comments Off on Four topics to deepen in four years

The Prior General has announced the mottos on which the Order will work, in ministries and formation, in the next four years. The Prior General, Friar Miguel Angel Hernandez, has made official the themes on which the Order will work in communities, parishes, educational centers and social projects during the next four years. In a…

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Message of the Prior General one year after the 56th General Chapter

By Agustinos Recoletos / March 20, 2023 / Comments Off on Message of the Prior General one year after the 56th General Chapter

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace. Dear Brothers: Next week marks one year since the closing of the 56th General Chapter. We do not forget the reverberations of that beautiful experience of communion and synodality which our Order lived and which has been followed by the chapters of the four…

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A door to education and equality

By Agustinos Recoletos / March 8, 2023 / Comments Off on A door to education and equality

The Augustinian Recollect missionaries of Sierra Leone have been attending a small boarding school since 2019 that allows 12 young people without resources to receive education and develop humanly. It has been several months since Alice Turay and Adamsay Kargbo left their homes and said goodbye to their families to face a unique opportunity. If…

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The Secular Fraternities walk together

By Agustinos Recoletos / February 14, 2023 / Comments Off on The Secular Fraternities walk together

The national councils of the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity, as well as the religious formators and assistants, held for the first time a fraternal meeting in a virtual way. To walk together means to move forward without leaving anyone behind. This is what the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity is doing. The national councils of the…

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With the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria

By Agustinos Recoletos / February 9, 2023 / Comments Off on With the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria

The Prior General has addressed a message to the Augustinian Recollect family asking for collaboration, through ARCORES, and prayer for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. In the face of the terrible earthquake that has struck Turkey and Syria, the Prior General has sent a letter to the entire Augustinian Recollect family asking for…

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Sierra Leone is still present at the Saint Augustine school in Valladolid

By Agustinos Recoletos / October 25, 2022 / Comments Off on Sierra Leone is still present at the Saint Augustine school in Valladolid

On the occasion of World Mission Day 2022, the Saint Augustine school in Valladolid, directed by the Augustinian Recollects, has worked the missionary spirit and sensitized with the reality of the Sierra Leonean people. For several years, missions in Sierra Leone were assisted with containers loaded with food, material and hope. This aid materialized thanks,…

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Luciano Audisio, new secretary general of the Order

By Agustinos Recoletos / October 14, 2022 / Comments Off on Luciano Audisio, new secretary general of the Order

The Prior General has appointed the friar from Argentina to this important service in the General Curia. With the agreement of the General Council, the Prior General, Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez, has appointed fr. Luciano Audisio as the new Secretary General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects. The religious has been chosen for this important…

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