A fraternal encounter with the Provinces

From April 17 to 21, the Prior General and his Council will hold their annual meeting with the four provincial priors for the first time since the 56th General Chapter.
The Prior General, Fray Miguel Ángel Hernández, and his General Council will meet from April 17 to 21 with the provincial priors of the four provinces of the Order. The meeting, which will take place at the General Curia in Rome, will be the first after the celebration of the 56th General Chapter and the provincial chapters, in which the four religious were elected or endorsed for the service of government.
The meeting will mainly address the development of the Order after the General Chapter. The work that is being carried out and how it is being perceived from the Provinces will be analyzed. During the five days, the objectives and decisions of the Life and Mission Project, and its execution so far, will be reviewed.
There are two important aspects that will be in the background in the days that the meeting lasts. One of them is synodality – in line with the motto We walk together – and another, the process of restructuring and revitalization of the Order, which began in 2010 and is still continuing.
Once a year, the Prior General and the Council meet with the provincial priors to discuss the progress of the Order in the different areas. However, last year this meeting did not take place since in March the Prior General and the General Council were elected and in the following months the provincial chapters were held. Therefore, this will be the first meeting with the new religious at the head of the government of the Order and the provinces.

Source: A fraternal encounter with the Provinces – Agustinos Recoletos