Father Selma presides opening mass of Province’s 20th founding anniversary

Mira-Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY – “Ved: qué dulzura, qué delicia, ver los hermanos convivir unidos.” (“How pleasant and good it is to see brothers living in unity.”)

The famous quote from Psalm 133 was aptly picked out by Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, Prior Provincial, in his homily during the votive Mass in honor of St. Ezekiel Moreno.
The 8:00 AM concelebrated mass on November 27 was held at the Our Lady of Consolation Parish in Mira-Nila. It beaconed the opening of the two-day celebrations of the 20th founding anniversary of the Province.
“Indeed, it is a joy to see our brothers after twenty years of being a Province. It is a joy to have this celebration, having this gathering where many really are here,” said Father Provincial.“ This is a moment of grace given to us by the Lord. It is a moment of encounter, a moment of sharing each other’s presence, vocation, joy, and hurts as we continue to fulfil the missions entrusted to us by the Lord.”
The Prior Provincial took the opportunity to invite all the friars to reflect on a series of existential questions as guide for the itinerary in celebrating the 20th birthday of the Province: “Who are we? How did we start [20 years ago]? Are we really convinced that we are Augustinian Recollects in word and in deed? What made us Augustinian Recollects? Why are we here? What is to be a Rekoleto nowadays? Are we still having the missionary dimension of our calling? What should we do [after 20 years]? Where are we going?”
Then, he concluded with prayerful optimism: “I hope that our missionary spirit will be like that of St. Ezekiel Moreno as our model.”
The Religious Priests and Brothers of the Province who were present—more than a hundred of them all—working in different apostolate areas (foreign missions, parishes, seminaries, and schools) in the Philippines and abroad gathered together, for the first time in two decades, with such magnitude, at the Recoletos Formation Center to celebrate this momentous event.
The anniversary events are guided by the theme: “Witness of the Gospel Values: Deepening of Faith and Discernment of Vocations among Youth and Consecrated Persons.”