Come, Lord Jesus, renew us!

1st Sunday of Advent
2 December 2018 | Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Reflection: As we begin our new Liturgical Year in the Church, we are invited to look at the end. The end or goal must be clear to us. Our readings this Sunday points to the end where Christ is, this is also our goal to be where Christ is. But we have to be prepared to encounter Him. This preparation is a call towards conversion, and vigilance which is proper for those who are pilgrims in this world. A pilgrim always prepares for the journey, he/she is always watchful of where he/she is going, the way must be the right way, but one essential act of a pilgrim is that, he/she prays. This is the exhortation of Jesus for us, ‘watch and pray for you do not know the time this will come.’
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus in to our lives and our society! Come, renew us, and grant us your peace.