Secretariat Heads of vocations, youth meet to synchronize common projects

General Curia, ROME – To promote communion and coordination in the implementation of the Order-wide Life and Mission Project (LAMP) on vocations and youth ministry, the Secretariat President of each Province, together with the President of the General Secretariat of the said pastoral works, gathered in Rome on February 12 to 14.

Fray Juan Pablo MartÃnez, OAR, General Councilor in-charge of the General Secretariat of Vocations and Youth Ministry, conducted the meeting covering the following important topics, to wit: the final document of the 2018 Synod on the youth, faith and discernment; per-Province presentation of the LAMP on vocations and youth ministry; plan or manual on vocations and youth ministry of each Province; appointed teams for the pastoral care of vocations; number of communities of the Recollect Augustinian Youth (RAY) by province and stage of formation; updates on the data concerning National Vocation Directors and RAY advisers, youth on vocation discernment, and number of RAY members; and Statutes of the General Secretariat of Vocations and Youth, and those of each Province.
The participants in the three-day assembly represented all the four Provinces of the Order: Fray Antonio Antón (San Nicolás), Fray Angel Jahir Córdoba (Candelaria), Frays Gustavo Barbieri and Juan Pablo Magnanelli (Sto. Tomás), and Fray Amado Emmanuel Bolilia (San Ezequiel).