Prior General Visits Recoletos de San Sebastian in Manila

MANILA – The Prior General, Fray Miguel M. Miro, OAR, made a visit of renewal to the community of San Sebastian College-Recoletos Manila last March 3-5, 2019. The visit of renewal aims that the Prior General of the Order be acquainted with the brothers and to know the state of the community, to strengthen the common life and the religious observance of the friars, and to correct abuses if there is such, so that in the end there may be a blessing of peace among the brothers.
Arrival of the Prior General
Fr. General arrived at the San Sebastian Convent in the afternoon of 3 March 2019 from his visit to the community of Recoletos de Hinatuan. He immediately met with the members of the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity-San Sebastian Basilica Chapter, who welcomed him upon his arrival. He, then, made a fraternal visit to the Superior General of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters at St. Rita Convent.

March 4, 2019
This second day of the visit was full of activities, not only for the community of San Sebastian, but also for the whole Luzon communities of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno. In the morning, there was a Talk on “Guidelines of the Order of Augustinian Recollects on the Protection of Minors,” given by Fray Antonio Carrón, OAR, General Councilor and President of the Education Apostolate Section of the Order. This was preceded by a Eucharistic Celebration presided by Fray Carron together with the Prior General and the friars from the different communities of Luzon. Fray Raul Buhay, OAR, General Councilor and President of the Mission and Ministerial Section of the Order, delivered the homily.

After the talk of Fray Carrón, the Prior General gave his concluding message to the assembly which was composed of the Friars of the communities namely, San Sebastian Manila, San Sebastian Cavite, Provincialate, Mira-Nila, Baguio, Antipolo, Tondo, Urbiztondo, and two friars from San Carlos, with friars are the SARF Members from the different Chapters here in Luzon, seminarians from Antipolo and Mira-Nila, Faculty and Staff of the two Colleges, and AR Sisters from the neighboring communities. The Prior General challenged everyone to be creators of communion, to help in renewal of the Order, and to the protection of minors.
Later on, lunch was served at the convent for the Religious and packed lunch was distributed to the participants. After lunch, at 2:30, there was a meeting of formators led by Fray Javier Monroy, OAR, General Councilor and Secretary General on Spirituality and Formation at the Activity Center of the Elementary Department of SSC-R Manila.

At 6:00 in the evening, the Prior General began his official Visit of Renewal to the community of San Sebastian Manila with the praying of the Vespers and Meditation, and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit. After the opening of the Visit, supper was served, and the Prior General met with the members community for a meeting at the Sala de Recreo after supper. During the meeting the Prior General first thanked the brothers for their service to the community and to people entrusted to them. He, then, reminded them of the basics of life as Augustinian Recollect Religious, community life, contemplation, apostolate and love of the Blessed Mother. He also challenged the community to be creators of communion and be a source of unity also to all around them, to preserve the dignity of the persons who are under their care and to protect the minors with utmost prudence and wisdom.
March 5, 2019
The friars and the Prior General prayed the Lauds and had their meditation at the chapel of the community and after the prayers they left for San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang Campus. Fr. General was accompanied by some friars of the community and Fray Carron. They were welcomed by the school community there with joy and the students made a short program just for the visit of Fr. General wherein the students showcased their talents. After the program and short tour, the visitors went back to Manila convent and had their lunch.
In the afternoon, around 3:00, Fr. General made an individual dialogue with the friars of the community. His aim was to know how they are doing, how was their apostolate, and if they have any concerns that the general needs to address to. The visit was concluded with a mass with vespers integrated at the community chapel. Then, dinner was served.
The visit was indeed a good way to see how the brothers are, but beyond that it was a gesture of love and peace. The community would like to thank the Fr. General for the visit and may God bless him more with the intercessions of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel de San Sebastian and St. Sebastian.
The community of Recoletos de Manila is composed of Fray Julius Marcos (Prior, Property Administrator & Director/Principal SSC-R Canlubang); Fray Nemesio Tolentin (Vice Prior, 1st Local Councilor, School President); Fray Edgar Tubio (2nd Councilor, Basilica Rector & Parish Priest); Fray Henry Santiago (3rd Councilor, Vice President for Administration & Vice President for Finance); Fray Alexus Mansueto (Parochial Vicar, Local Procurator, Chapter Secretary, House Chronicler & House Liturgist); Fray Glynn Ortega (Local Vocation Promoter, CSEC-R Anchor, Vice President for Religious Affairs & Campus Ministry); Fray Gaudencio Geronimo de Mesa (House Librarian, Assisting Priest & Spiritual Director of the AR and HFJ Sisters); Fray Casiano Cosmilla (Assisting Priest & Confessor of the AR Sisters); Fray Antonio Limchaypo (Vice President for Student Welfare & School Chaplain – SSC-R Canlubang); Fray Ferdinand Fornilos (Vice President for Academics).