Chota and Augustinian Recollects: 75 years of history

Note: This article was translated from the original Spanish post on the official website of the Order of Augustinian Recollects. (
The Augustinian Recollects celebrate the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the first religious to the Chota region, in Peru. For this, different commemorative events have been prepared.
It is an important fact that marked the missionary and evangelizing mood of the Augustinian Recollects. In 1945, Chota was an interesting town that had 4,000 inhabitants. It was a city with a Spanish foundation, with a classic plaza, church and a water channel. Chota was a town like those of the time. Just five years earlier, the Augustinian Recollects had already taken root in Cutervo, the neighboring province. There the religious began to do a good pastoral work. In 1945 the Augustinian Recollects decided to expand their pastoral work to the province of Chota. The mission that began was seen with good eyes by the Augustinian Recollect religious, who saw on this earth an opportunity to exercise their missionary spirit.
Seven decades and five years later, the Augustinian Recollects celebrate the 75th anniversary of their arrival. On Thursday, January 9, 75 years of that historical event will be commemorated. For this, the current community of friars has prepared a varied program that aims to remember that event and show the work of the religious during all these years.
An extensive program of commemorative events
On Tuesday, January 7, at 7 pm, the Augustinian Recollect Bishop of Chachapoyas, Bp. Emiliano Cisneros, OAR, DD, who was a missionary and bishop in Chota, presented the paper “The Arrival of the Augustinian Recollects in Chota: The historical fact.” For their part, the Fray Angel Herrán, OAR, and Fray José Estebas, OAR, discussed about “The changes that the Augustinian Recollects have produced in Chota: The current fact.”
On Wednesday, January 8, at 10 in the morning, a pilgrimage to the San Juan cemetery was scheduled, where the remains of several religious and bishops who served this mission territory rest. This same day at night, at 7, the dance school of the Recollect Augustinian Youth (RAY) of Chota, Kuntur phaway, presented a cultural gala night in the auditorium of Santa Monica Radio. Likewise, later, at 10 pm, the exhibition: Andanzas gattas: 75 años en Chota was opened in the museum of the Santa Monica parish. This event will be accompanied by the launch of fireworks and burning of castles.
The central day will be on January 9. In the morning a press conference will be offered by the Provincial Vicar of Peru, Fray VÃctor Villegas, OAR, to be aired by Santa Monica Radio, about this important event for Chota and for the Order of Augustinian Recollects. In the afternoon, the Thanksgiving Mass will take place, to be presided by the Bp. Fortunato Pablo Urcey, OAR, DD, Bishop of Chota. Then the religious will offer an agape on the esplanade of the Santa Monica parish.