RAY de Filipinas extends help to ARCORES Filipinas for typhoon stricken families

QUEZON CITY–Last November 18, 2020, Ms. Roceline Bernal, RAY de Filipinas National President, together with Ms. Cyrine Julianne Singson, National Treasurer of RAY de Filipinas, handed over the proceeds from the donation drive with the amount of P 51,920.25 to Fray Raymund Rueann Alcedo, OAR, ARCORES Filipinas coordinator and to Fray Dexter D. Palagtiosa, OAR, RAY National Youth Coordinator.
The said proceeds will benefit the families that were badly affected by Typhoon Ulysses, most especially in the areas that have not been reached by help.
In a post in their Facebook page, RAY de Filipinas extends their sincerest gratitude and appreciation to all the donors for responding to their call for help and assistance for the victims of the recent typhoon Ulysses. These donations have contributed significantly to those who were affected by the recent typhoons our country has faced. The youth organization is still accepting cash donations for the second batch intended for the relief and rebuilding efforts of the families that were badly affected by Typhoon Ulysses.
Thank you very much and may God bless you a hundred fold!
“In what is necessary, unity; in what is not necessary, liberty and in all things charity.” (St. Augustine)
We RISE as ONE! Onwards, RAY de Filipinas!