“Cofradia de Transito de Nuestra Señora” is Back!

QUEZON CITY—A few years after the arrival of the miraculous image of Nuestra Senora de la Salud, a confraternity was established for the devotees of the black virgin of health. The procession of the confraternity members every 3rd Friday of Lent was described by Fray Andres de San Nicolas in 1664 in the General History of the Order as “done with greatest ostentation and display beyond expression in writing or in speech…” Sadly after centuries of existence, due to numerous reasons, both the devotion to La Salud and the confradia faded to oblivion.
With the official revival of the devotion to La Salud on December 5, 2016, the desire to re-establish the once thriving Cofradia de Transito de Nuestra Señora gained momentum among the friars and devotees. A couple of meetings with the potential future members of the cofradia were organized in 2019. Important matters were discussed and decided upon by the group which were approved by the Prior Provincial. Due to the pandemic, however, the ecclesiastical approval of the cofradia and its formation programs were put on hold.
Upon the persistence of Fray Emmanuel Bolilia OAR, Head of the Section on Spirituality and Liturgy, Bishop Honesto Ongtioco, DD, of the Diocese of Cubao released an official communication dated January 14, 2021 granting approval for the re-establishment of the Cofradia de Transito de Nuestra Señora.
For now, Fray Rommel Rubia, OAR, the appointed Spiritual Director of the cofradia, is reaching out to potential members, informing them of the recent update and inviting them for their scheduled formation inputs and activities.
Viva Nuestra Señora de la Salud!