OLCP opens Jubilee Door in Commemoration of 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines

Mira-Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY- The Prelate of Novaliches, Most Rev. Roberto O. Gaa, DD, opened the Jubilee Door of Our Lady of Consolation Parish to mark the celebration of the 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines last April 24, 2021.

The ceremony started at 6:00 pm with a solemn rite of the Opening of “Porta Sancta,” which is Latin for Holy Door, presided by the said bishop himself with Fray Gideon Antolin U. Lagrimas, OAR, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Consolation Parish, Fray Hector C. Gonzales, OAR, Parochial Vicar, together with other OAR Priests and Religious. It was immediately followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass.
During his homily, Bishop Gaa mentioned the coincidence of the celebration with the Feast of the Conversion of Our Father St. Augustine and the Good Shepherd Sunday. He stated that because of the on-going pandemic, churches are forced to broadcast Masses online for the benefit of those who cannot come due to the health protocols and restrictions. He likened this event to a gift, for it brings the “Porta Sancta” into the homes of the families who cannot come.

Moreover, he added that the pandemic helps highlight the role of parents as shepherds in leading their own families to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the safety of their homes.
Before the final blessing, Fray Lagrimas clarified the significance of the Jubilee Door. Pope Francis has granted plenary indulgence to all the faithful who will visit any church with Jubilee door given that they fulfill the specific observances pronounced by the particular church.
The celebration culminated with the congregation animating “Awit ng Misyon” led by the Seminarians of Recoletos Formation Center and Recollect Augustinian Youth.
OLCP is privileged to be among the fourteen Jubilee Churches in the Diocese of Novaliches and the only Pilgrim Church in the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno for the quincentenial celebration of Christianity in the Philippines