Sunday Reflection: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

When sickness strikes and death becomes more apparent, to whom do we turn to? This question is very real in our present situation where sickness and death are all that we could hear on the street sides, in the television, and in social media. Sickness and death are the worst enemies we battle with each day. Our faith tells us that these two are consequences of the sin of our first parents, they entered the human scene after the fall. From these too, together with sin, the Lord saved us. They were transformed by Jesus into means of salvation, sickness became an avenue where faith and trust in God is strengthened in the lives of those who surrender themselves to God, and death became the doorway to eternal life.
The reality of sickness and death oftentimes makes us afraid because we do not know where these will lead us. Christ shows us in our gospel this Sunday, that when our faith makes us humble and lead us turn to God, He is there with us in our sufferings and pains. The most painful part of being sick and ultimately in dying is to find ourselves alone. When we cannot see those familiar faces and loved ones around us, the sickness becomes unbearable, and death robs us of love and joy. This is real in our present situation, the sick is left to themselves, they are secluded, and in death one is alone. The only thing that makes sickness and death bearable is the love, care, and prayers that is given to us by the people who love us and are concerned for our well-being. In the gospel, we have Jairus who loves his daughter so much that he humbled himself and pleaded Jesus to heal her. The woman’s faith in God who loves and who is merciful leads her to her healing.
The Book of Wisdom reminds us in a very beautiful way, “God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.” God has always been a loving and merciful Father, He did not intend death or sickness to come, it was the devil’s envy that brought death to the world. Therefore, Jesus countered sickness and death in His proclamation of the Kingdom. Jesus transformed sickness and death from being a punishment, into a means of salvation for those who believe in Him. Jesus have enriched us through His own suffering and death with the graces that will make us share again the divine life we lost through disobedience.
Now, let us ask ourselves, “To whom do I turn in my sufferings, pains, and sickness? Do I entrust myself to the loving hands of my Father in heaven? Do I have the same trust that Jesus has in the Father even in my insecurities and pains?”