“Be not afraid, the Lord is with us”: Fray MirĂ³, OAR

Note: This article was translated from the original Spanish article posted in the official website of the Order of Augustinian Recollects (www.agustinosrecoletos.com)
The Prior General presided over the opening Eucharist for the 400th anniversary of the first General Chapter, highlighting the “new horizons of life and hope” that will open up in this year of celebration.
On November 30, 1621, the first general chapter of the Augustinian Recollects concluded. Four centuries later, the Prior General, accompanied by a large group of religious and laity, presided at the opening Eucharist of the year-long celebration and commemoration of this important event. The Monastery of the Incarnation, specially prepared for the occasion, was the venue chosen by the Order for the solemn celebration in which Fray Miguel MirĂ³ encouraged the faithful to live this time in “communion, participation and mission.”Â
In his homily, the Prior General of the Augustinian Recollects recalled the commemorated event asking the Lord to “infuse us with his Spirit so that today we too may respond with boldness and availability.” Just as the Augustinian religious did in 1588 and during the first chapter, and in the same way that Saint Andrew felt it – whose feast was celebrated this Tuesday -, following the example of Saint Augustine, Fray MirĂ³ encouraged us to listen to the Lord’s call: “Jesus keeps calling us as we pass by. soul of our life; his words inspire love and trust.”
Likewise, he also assured that “this Centennial year is an opportunity for prayer, listening, dialogue and discernment.” The central moments of the year will be the chapters -general and provincial- that the Order of Augustinian Recollects will celebrate in 2022.” That is why he affirmed that “this time of grace that we begin today is in tune with the synodal process that the Church is experiencing today. The chapters open us new horizons of life and hope,” he said. He also highlighted three key words: “Communion, participation and mission.”Â
On the other hand, he encouraged the members of the Order to be brave in the face of difficulty. “Be not afraid, the Lord is with us. Faced with the darkness of the night or the difficulties of the road, let us not forget that the Lord uses the weakness of this world to carry out his plans,” he said. He also thanked the prayer of the contemplative Augustinian Recollects, who live in the Royal Monastery of the Incarnation and support, as they maintained in 1621, the future of the Order.Â
At the conclusion of the Eucharist, all the religious renewed their consecration to Our Lady Mother of Consolation in a simple and emotional gesture. The Marian image had been arranged on the main altar, something unusual and unique for this prayer.Â