The path of permanent formation

The 56th General Chapter listens to Claretian Gonzalo Fernandez on the need for a plan of permanent formation.
The second week of the 56th General Chapter of the Order of Augustinian Recollects began with the talk of Gonzalo Fernandez. The Claretian religious spoke on Monday about his vision and experience of permanent formation, to help the capitulars in their reflection and decision-making.
Starting from the Chapter’s motto, ‘We walk together,’ Gonzalo Fernandez proposed the journey of the two disciples to Emmaus as a model for permanent formation. In that journey the two, through dialogue and the Word of God, went from the despair of the Lord’s death to the joy of re-encounter with Him. In the same way, permanent formation should be a tool that allows the Augustinian Recollect to overcome disillusionment and regain confidence in the mission.

The resource speaker also referred to the culture of appreciation and the new methods offered by the social sciences, among them, the valuing method, which starts from a positive regard for every person. Fr. Fernandez also addressed comments and questions fielded by the capitulars.
In the afternoon sessions, the General Chapter continued to discuss formation, initial formation in this case. The capitulars received updated information on the Augustinian Recollect Formative Itinerary (IFAR), the revision of the formation plan of the Order, the situation in the different stages of formation and the creation of the School of Formation.