Healing through the Intercession of Saint Ezekiel Moreno: A Testimony

The Lord is truly kind, merciful, and generous—much more than any human being can be.
Let me share my personal experience of how the Lord, in His goodness, generosity, and compassion, granted me healing and divine wellness, through the powerful intercession of St. Ezekiel Moreno.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with stage-three colon cancer. It is hard to describe the emotions associated with my cancer—anxiety, depression, and feelings of uselessness—but I did not allow these emotions to control my life. Cancer can change life in a split second but it cannot take away my belief and faith in God—that I will survive. It cannot take away my pious prayers. Cancer, or any sickness, for that matter, teaches us to treasure each moment, to find courage, develop strength and deepen our faith.
Since then, I entrusted my life to the Lord and surrendered my cancer sickness to St. Ezekiel Moreno. Every day and every time I touch the image of St Ezekiel (which I am keeping in my room since I was dispatched from the hospital), I always feel warm energy emitting from the image—flowing to me, assuring me of the continuous power of his healing love. Believe it, from the day I was operated on up to this very moment, I did not experience any severe pain. So far, I am cancer-free. I am a cancer survivor. All these I attribute to the powerful intercession of St. Ezekiel Moreno, not discounting the Lord’s intervention in using medical doctors in the process.
Join me in thanking the Lord for this gift of healing through St. Ezekiel Moreno. I thank the Lord for the humbling experiences because they have made my life so much better. I thank the Lord for the trials that I have been through that taught me to trust Him in everything.
Let us pray for all those sick with cancer, especially those with no one to support them, that they may also experience the power of a generous Lord, through the intercessions of St. Ezekiel.
The Lord, indeed, is kind, merciful, and generous—much more than any human being can ever be. Trust in Him and you will survive. Have faith in Him for He is always in control. Ask St Ezekiel Moreno for his powerful intercession!