OAR installs new USJ-R president

The Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR) named a new president for the University of San Jose – Recoletos today, September 8.
He is Fray Eduardo Celiz Jr., OAR. His Investiture Rites was held at the Recoletos Coliseum in Basak. The ceremony was done on the same day of the annual mass in honor of the Holy Spirit and the feast of the Nativity of Mary. It is also conducted during the Diamond Jubilee (75 years) of the University.

His term as University President starts from 2022 to 2025. His official appointment was read by Fray Rafael Pecson, OAR, the Recoletos Educational Apostolate (REAP) President.
During his acceptance speech, the new University President discussed his four-point agenda namely pursuing innovative and relevant program offerings, fostering international and local linkages, creating the integrated USJ-R automated services, and implementing an Augustinian Recollect developmental program.
He also emphasized the oneness of Josenians regardless of location and made a special tribute to the employees of USJ-R Balamban.
“We are one family, one community walking together in God,” he said.
This is not the first time that Celiz Jr. served as a religious administrator at USJ-R. He served from 1991 to 2000, holding various positions. In addition, he also served other Recollect schools. He was the president of University of Negros Occidental – Recoletos and vice president for finance in San Sebastian College – Recoletos in Manila.

Present during his investiture rites were his family, fellow friars from the OAR community together with the Prior Provincial, regional director of the Department of Education VII, representative of the Commission on Higher Education, students, employees, and lay administrators.
Celiz Jr. is the 8th president in the history of the school as a University but he is the 17th leader since its foundation in 1947. Before the term president, the leaders of the school were called rectors.