9th Day of Simbang Gabi (December 24, 2022)

Ang Diyos ay mapagpala!
God indeed is gracious. Our first reading recounts to us God’s generosity which He manifested to king David. The latter saw God’s graciousness and acknowledged it with so much gratitude. God, in turn, blessed him more and much through a promise–the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
In our Gospel, Zechariah, who once fell incredulous of God’s message, saw with his own eyes the gradual unfolding of God’s promise. Recognizing God’s fidelity and graciousness, he regained his ability to speak and sung his praise to Him–recounting how faithful and gracious God is even from the very beginning.
God is faithful and He continuously lavishes His blessings upon us, every day and every moment of our life. Ang Diyos ay mapagpala! But do we really acknowledge every single grace He bestows upon us? Or do we simply leave ourselves engrossed in the search for extraneous matters that steal our joy and peace?
Let us open your eyes and see. We are more than blessed.