The Augustinian Recollect charism, in the heart of the laity

Editorial Augustinus has published the new manual of the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity which includes the Rule of Life, the Statutes, the Orational and the Ritual of the Secular Augustinian Recollects.
The Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternities have a new manual for their life of faith. The Augustinus Publishing House, in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Spirituality and Formation, has published a new book for the Secular Augustinian Recollects which includes the Rule of Life, the Statutes, an Orational and a Ritual. The book will be from now on the reference in the small local communities and in the great family of the lay Recollects.
After several years of joint work between the laity and religious, the new Manual of the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternities was published at the end of 2022. It is an extensive material that will help to promote the Christian life of the communities. It represents the realization of a dream of many lay people and religious, and reflects the desire for a new impetus among the Fraternities.
The book is 380 pages long and covers three main sections. The first section contains the Rule of Life and the Statutes of the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity. This is followed by an orational section, which includes various elements: the recitation of Lauds and Vespers on the principal feasts and solemnities of the Order, some outlines of the Augustinian Lectio Divina, an Augustinian devotional book and a cantorial. In the last part, there is a ritual that includes various celebrations to accompany important milestones in the pilgrimage of the secular fraternities.
Editorial Augustinus has been in charge of editing and publishing the Manual. With its publication, a time of hope and renewal for the Augustinian Recollect lay communities is in sight. It will surely help the brothers and sisters to travel together the vocational journey -personal and communitarian- of the missionary disciples, from the richness of the Augustinian Recollect charism. The main objective is to make possible a relationship from the heart with the God of Jesus Christ, with the brothers and sisters of the community and, in general, with the whole Church.
“It is an important moment, not only to have the charism in the hands of the laity, but above all to take it to the heart”, affirms Fr. Fabian Martin, president of the Secretariat. “May this material be for all the communities of the FSAR a step forward in the following of Jesus Christ”.