SSC-RdC on full blast; welcomes Prior General

San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite prepared a grand and warm welcome to celebrate the visit of the Prior General at the Recoletos 4th Centennial Gymnasium, Cañacao Campus, October 20.
Religious administrators and the SSG presidents of Grade School, Junior High School, Senior High School and College department along with other students welcomed and presented their gifts in front of the Gymnasium to Fr. Miguel Angel D. Hernandez, OAR the Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollect and the General Secretary, Fr. Luciano Audisio Matias, OAR.

Simultaneously, a Karakol dance was performed by the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA).
It was followed by the Eucharistic Celebration for the Feast of St. Magdalene of Nagasaki.

At exactly 11:00 AM, the Welcome Program commenced with the singing of the national anthem and SSC-R Cavite hymn, followed by the performance of Grade School, Junior High School, and READS.
The event was concluded with the Salu-salong Sebastino where each organization prepared and shared food-manifesting the sense of community in the hearts of Sebastinians.