Solemnity of Christ the King

2 Sm.5:1-3; Col. 1:12-20; Lk. 23:35-43 Jesus is King because he is Son of God. Because he is Creator: “through him all things were made” (Jn 1:3). In the Book of Psalms, God is King because he rules over the whole of creation. At the Annunciation the Angel Gabriel said to Mary: “The Lord God…

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In Pictures: Prior General’s Fraternal Visit to Sierra Leone

Kamalo, SIERRA LEONE–Fray Miguel Miró, OAR, Prior General, visited the community of brothers in Recoletos de Kamalo. He, together with Fray Raul Buhay, OAR, General Councilor, arrived in Sierra Leone last November 15, 2019. Here are some moments captured during the visit of the Prior General to Recoletos de Kamalo:

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In Pictures: Day 1-V Encuentro EDUCAR

Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL–Educators from different Augustinian Recollect communities from all over the world are gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the V Encuentro EDUCAR from November 18-22, 2019. Here are some of the moments captured during the first day of the international encounter. Photos from Carlos Santana, Director de comunicación Agustinos Recoletos

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San Sebastian Basilica Conservation and Development Foundation, Inc. Christmas from Quiapo

The San Sebastian Conservation and Development Foundation, Inc. offers a variety of products that will help in funding the on-going restoration of San Sebastian Basilica in Quiapo, Manila. For more informations and orders, visit their official website and Facebook page: website: sansebastianconservation.orgFacebook:

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Recollection for December: COMMUNION OF SAINTS

Translated by Fray Hubert Dunstan Decena, OAR Hebr. 12:12-15, 18-19, 22-23. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that the Communion of Saints refers to the communion of the goods of the Church, because if we form only one body, the consequence is that the possession of one is shared with the others. It…

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18th SARF Visayas Regional Reunion

Talisay City, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL–The Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity (SARF), Talisay Chapter, hosted the 18th SARF Visayas Regional Annual Reunion last October 19-20, 2019 held at Natures Village Resort, Talisay City. This year’s reunion had a theme “SARF: Empowering the youth of today, in Communion with the church.” There was a record breaking attendance of 144…

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