23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

23rd Sunday in OT 4 September 2016 Solemnity of Our Lady of Consolation Reflection: The Lord Jesus invites us today to refresh ourselves in His true teachings. To be a Christian is to be witnesses of Christ’s Paschal Mystery, His life, death, and resurrection. This witnessing is not just by word or idea, it is…

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Pointless Points to Ponder Not

Pointless Points to Ponder Not We keep buying more and more stuff, we keep ourselves busy eating, drinking, smoking entertaining and getting wasted on alcohol and drugs in order to avoid dealing with life. We can deny it for as long as we like, but in the end it is us who suffer and regardless…

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Recollects dedicate first ecopark to Mary

Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016 The Recoletos de Cebu Community blessed and inaugurated the Recoletos Eco-pilgrimage Park in Danao City northern Cebu and dedicated it to Mary under the title Nuestra Señora de la Salud (Our Lady of Health) yesterday, feast of the Queenship of Mary.

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Father Provincial answers questions about Recoletos de Saipan

PROVINCIALATE, Quezon City—Here are some significant notes from the desk of the Father Provincial, Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, who was asked about the newly-consolidated community of Recoletos de Saipan. Q. Father, a lot of lay people are interested to know about the new community of Recollects assigned in Saipan. Kindly tell us about this.…

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Fray Morillo to be installed chaplain

LARAY, TALISAY CITY, CEBU—Fray Anthony A. Morillo, OAR will be installed first chaplain of the St. Augustine of Hippo Quasi Parish-Recoletos in Inayawan, Cebu City by Most Rev. Oscar Florencio, D.D., auxiliary bishop of Cebu tomorrow, August 27. The rite of installation will be integrated within the 6:30 P.M. mass.

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Recoletos Eco-Park Blessing

The newly constructed pavilion at the heart of the ten-hectare Recoletos Eco-pilgrimage Park in Maslog, Danao City was blessed earlier today and the holy mass was celebrated there for the first time. The Ecopark is also dedicated to the Our Lady of Health (Nuestra Señora de la Salud) on the day when the Feast of…

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Fr. Celiz celebrates his silver sacerdotal anniversary

Rev.  Fr. Eduardo Celiz, Jr. OAR will be celebrating his 25th sacerdotal jubilee on August 25, 2016.  He will be concelebrating at the Thanksgiving Mass with his co-jubilarians at the Our Lady of Consolation Parish in Miranila, Quezon City on the 25th.

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Conference on Fr. Mauricio Ferrero

On the feast of St. Monica, the pious mother of St. Augustine, August 27,  the 2nd round of the lecture series on the Life and works of Padre Mauricio Ferrero, OAR, whose centennial death anniversary is celebrated, will be held at the UNO-R President’s Hall at 8 am.

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