
11 Friars renew commitment to Recollect way of life

By Kristopher Carlo E. Sta. Ana / June 20, 2023 / Comments Off on 11 Friars renew commitment to Recollect way of life

MIRA NILA HOMES, Quezon City – Eleven simply-professed friars renewed their religious vows of chastity, poverty and obedience to God in the Order of Augustinian Recollects on June 17, 2023 at the St. Thomas de Villanueva Chapel of the Recoletos Formation Center. Their renewal was received by Fray Ian Anthony R. Espartero, OAR, Local Prior…

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Five Recollect friars graduated in Theology!

By Fray James Francis Bago, OAR / June 5, 2023 / Comments Off on Five Recollect friars graduated in Theology!

Mira Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY – Four Recollects finished their Bachelor’s degree in sacred Theology while one Recollect finished his Master’s degree in Theology as the Recoletos School of Theology commenced its Academic Year 2022 -2023 with the Solemn Investiture of the Graduates of the Batch 2023 last June 3, 2023 at Our Lady of…

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RFC community had its four new Lectors and seven new Acolytes

By Fray Mc Airel Capinpin, OAR / May 22, 2023 / Comments Off on RFC community had its four new Lectors and seven new Acolytes

QUEZON CITY – Recoletos Formation Center had its four formands instituted to the Ministry of Lectors and seven to the Ministry of Acolytes during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the St. Thomas of Villanova Chapel last May 20, 2023. Fray Bernard C Amparado, OAR, the Prior Provincial of St. Ezekiel Moreno Province, presided…

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By Bro. Christian Joseph Codilla / May 2, 2023 / Comments Off on RELIVING CHRIST’S PASSION

Annually, the whole Catholic Church celebrates the Holy Week. The faithful observe different practices such as fasting and abstinence, receiving the sacraments, especially the sacrament of confession, visita iglesia, chanting of pasyon, and much more. During Holy Week, from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday, the Paschal Triduum is celebrated. The mystery of the faith is…

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Poster Exhibit and Creative Presentation open Jornadas de Filosofia 2023

By Bro. Sean Cass Alvarez / March 27, 2023 / Comments Off on Poster Exhibit and Creative Presentation open Jornadas de Filosofia 2023

BAGUIO CITY – Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary’s annual Jornadas de Filosofia marks its first day with the poster exhibit and creative presentation contest last March 20, 2023. Vibrant and colorful artworks were hung in the seminary classroom corridor as each fraternity showcased their philosophical posters. With the theme “Philosophy: Becoming Witnesses of Communion,” each fraternity was tasked to…

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Formation Continues…

By Fray Neil Robert Alilain OAR / February 25, 2023 / Comments Off on Formation Continues…

The Secretariat of Vocation and Initial Formation of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno relaunches its three-day program on the Formation of Formators with another batch of participants on February 23, 2023. What is the Program all about? The formation of formators is intrinsically connected to the essential deepening and dynamic formation of the candidates…

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Formation of Formators Day 2

By Fray Rey Jay Y. Quevedo OAR / February 18, 2023 / Comments Off on Formation of Formators Day 2
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Formators Undergo Formation

By Fray Rey Jay Y. Quevedo OAR / February 17, 2023 / Comments Off on Formators Undergo Formation

Recoletos Formation Center, Quezon City –The Secretariat of Vocation and Initial Formation of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno commences its first three-day formation program for Augustinian Recollect formators on February 16, 2023. Sixteen participants, comprised of fourteen OAR Brother and Priests and two AR Sisters, joined the first batch. The Prior Provincial, Fr. Bernard…

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The joy of living the Augustinian Recollect dream

By Agustinos Recoletos / January 27, 2023 / Comments Off on The joy of living the Augustinian Recollect dream

All the young Augustinian Recollects who are in the formation stage in the Philippines participated in the 13th OAR Formands’ Encounter, regardless of stage and age. Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary (CaReS) hosted the three-day long OAR Formands’ Encounter that was held last January 10-12, 2023. The host community welcomed the rest of the formands coming from…

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Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary hosts the 13th OAR Formands’ Encounter

By Br. Alvin C. Laserna / January 16, 2023 / Comments Off on Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary hosts the 13th OAR Formands’ Encounter

Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary (CaReS) hosted the three-day long OAR Formands’ Encounter that was held last January 10-12, 2023. The host community welcomed the rest of the formands coming from Recoletos de Antipolo and Recoletos de Mira-Nila on the evening of January 9, 2023, by an opening salvo wherein they danced the Tatak Rekoleto. This made the…

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