Sunday 32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time A First, we take note of some important details: The oil in this parable is not just oil. It stands for the sum of good deeds each virgin has accumulated during her lifetime. And the wedding party is not just a wedding party. It is the parable’s way…
Read MoreIsaiah, in the first reading, compares the people God to a vineyard that has produced bad grapes. After all the labors—the soil carefully prepared, the location well-chosen, the selected vine stock planted, the boundary set up to keep out the wild animals, the tower and the wine-press—all lovingly prepared by the owner but the vineyard…
Read More29th Sunday in Ordinary Time “GIVE TO CAESAR WHAT IS CAESAR’S AND TO GOD WHAT IS GOD’S” “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s… and to God what is God’s.” This verse is most often quoted by some politicians, rulers and opinion makers as they accuse the Church of interfering in politics. When, for example,…
Read MoreReadings: Is 25:6-10 / Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5.6 / Phil 4:12-14; 119-20/ Mt. 22:1-14 For the past three Sundays, we have been reading and reflecting on several parables about the kingdom. This Sunday another parable is presented to us as our point for reflection—the parable of the wedding banquet. ****** The…
Read More26 A (Two Sons) Readings: Ez 18:25-28 / Ps 25: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9/ Phil 2:1-11 / Mt. 21: 28-32 ****** In today’s gospel Jesus tells the parable of two sons who say one thing and do another. Asked by the father to go and work in the vineyard, the first son said no but later…
Read More25th Sunday in Ordinary Time The gospel this 25th Sunday relates about envious people in the parable, the workers who were hired in the morning complained and protested that they were paid the same wage as those hired in the afternoon. “A gross injustice,” they said. ***** Legally, there was no injustice because the deal…
Read MorePeter speaks for each one of us in today’s Gospel passage when he says, “How many times am I supposed to forgive the neighbor who keeps sinning? After seven times, if he still sins, what’s the point in forgiving him again?” “No, not seven times,” Jesus says, “seventy times seven,”which according to my Father’s calculator…
Read MoreFraternal Correction Readings: Ez 33:7-9/ Ps 95:1-2. 6-7. 8-9 Rom 13: 8-10 Mt. 18: 15-20 Two lessons are being presented in today’s gospel: 1) It is about conversion—by giving the one who offended us a chance to repent without publicly destroying his/her name. 2) Jesus condemns all destructive gossip. ***** One day, a…
Read MoreReflection: What does the Cross of Christ bring us, fear or it is a challenge?-
Read More22Sunday A Jer 20:7-9/Ps 63:2. 3-4. 5-6. 8-9/ Rom 12:1-2/ Mt 16:21-27 ***** Last Sunday we read of Simon Peter recognizing and professing Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of the living God. That earned him the name Peter, and the keys of the Kingdom. The incident was a highpoint in the development of…
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