Homilies and Lectio Divina

Friday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

By Frei Bo / January 27, 2017 / Comments Off on Friday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

01/27/17 Heb 10:32-39 Mk 4:26-34 It’s hard to understand the laws of nature like math, physics & chemistry, but we know they are true and valid, we have “faith” in them since we see they produce plants, animals and other good things that keep us alive (Gospel). It’s also hard to understand God’s laws of…

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Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time

By Frei Bo / January 25, 2017 / Comments Off on Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time

“Whoever does the will of God is my brother, sister and mother.” -Mk 3:35 Jesus undid the disobedience of Adam, and by God’s super-grace, His mother Mary undid that of Eve. Adam and Eve, desiring to be gods, ate the forbidden fruit that brought death into paradise. Jesus obeyed His Father’s will, gave up being…

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Monday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

By Frei Bo / January 23, 2017 / Comments Off on Monday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

God created man in His own image. He gave us His own nature, planting in us a tendency to be holy, so we may desire to be with Him in heaven forever. But we are easily misled by Satan. So the Father sent us His Son to teach us the way to holiness, and die…

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VIGIL MASS (Nativity of the Lord)

By Frei Bo / December 21, 2016 / Comments Off on VIGIL MASS (Nativity of the Lord)

Midnight Mass Christmas Barely a number of hours and the most awaited event of the year comes. Beyond the thrills of the season, I wonder what significance Christmas has in our hearts. At this very moment, it is then vital to ask ourselves: “Who do we await this Christmas?             If we analyze and observe people…

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1’st Sunday of Advent Pointers

By Frei Bo / November 23, 2016 / Comments Off on 1’st Sunday of Advent Pointers

Advent means waiting, thus during this season of advent, we prepare for the coming of someone On this first Sunday of advent, I think it is very vital to ask ourselves these questions: “Who is coming?” Who do we await on Christmas?” If we observe and analyze people during this season, we will be surprised…

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Solemnity of Christ the King Pointers

By Frei Bo / November 16, 2016 / Comments Off on Solemnity of Christ the King Pointers

Christ the King!           The liturgical year comes to an end today with the celebration of Christ the King. As we celebrate the solemnity of Chris the King, we acknowledge our faith in the universal kingship of JC and our longing for the full realization of God’s kingdom. ***** What does it mean to believe…

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33rd Sunday Pointers

By Frei Bo / November 11, 2016 / Comments Off on 33rd Sunday Pointers

33rd Sunday (Ordinary Time) Today is the last Sunday of our Liturgical year. Next Sunday will be the feast of Christ the King and that will officially end our liturgical year. Then comes the season of advent- a season of preparation for Christmas. As the liturgical season comes to a close, the readings deal with…

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32nd Sunday Pointers

By Frei Bo / November 3, 2016 / Comments Off on 32nd Sunday Pointers

32nd  Sunday C Luke 20:27-38 Let us take note of some details:   The Sadducees were quite different from the Pharisees. Small in number, but very wealthy, they were the governing class. To protect their wealth, they collaborated with the Romans.   The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead; they did…

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31st Sunday Pointers

By Frei Bo / October 27, 2016 / Comments Off on 31st Sunday Pointers

31st Sunday Pointers        ***** Today the story of Zacchaeus is presented to us. Zacchaeus was a tax collector who was so short that he had to climb up a sycamore tree to get a better view of Jesus as he was passing by—somehow this small man climbs up the tree because of his great desire…

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30th Sunday Pointers

By Frei Bo / October 20, 2016 / Comments Off on 30th Sunday Pointers

  Luke 18:9-14 ***** A biblical commentator points out that the parable Jesus proclaims is essential in at least three aspects: 1.  The Parable tells us that God knows us as we really are. 2.  The Parable tells us that God accepts us as we are. 3.  Although God accepts us as we are, He…

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