You cannot change religious Always accept that nothing can change circumstances as they are happening in your life, you can never change a brother with whom you interact at that moment of interaction period. When an occurrence in your life is not of your liking, it is nonetheless taking place. You will be wasting energy…
Read MoreSomeone is quoted as saying to Mother Teresa: “You face such overwhelming problems of poverty and disease, how do you expect to be successful? How do you keep going?” And Mother Teresa replied: “God does not expect us to be successful, only faithful.”
Read MorePointless Points to Ponder Not We keep buying more and more stuff, we keep ourselves busy eating, drinking, smoking entertaining and getting wasted on alcohol and drugs in order to avoid dealing with life. We can deny it for as long as we like, but in the end it is us who suffer and regardless…
Read MoreChildren Only Someone says there is a great sign over the gate of heaven which reads ‘Children Only’. And if that worries you, I am told there is another notice on the gate which reads ‘Adults will be admitted if accompanied by Children’. Jesus did say the gate into eternal life is small. Certainly the…
Read MoreRemember this . . . Three things to remember when living in a religious community: First, you are not God. Second, this is not heaven. Third, don’t be an ass. – advice from an old Jesuit priest.
Read MoreOf Years of Meetings We are aware that meetings are vital to the success of any organization ( OAR Secretariats included). But the truth is that many religious see such copious meetings as a waste of time. In fact, in some Board Meetings, many are BORED to death. A columnist lately has said, “Rome did…
Read MorePOINTLESS POINTS TO PONDER NOT ***** *** There are times when I have observed lay persons manifest more concern for the health or well-being of a fellow religious than was shown by his brothers in the community. I have even been amazed at the charitable attention given to ailing confreres by the hired help in…
Read MoreDo confreres gossip? Do they gossip about each other? I think we know the answer. And I think we know that all of us have been guilty of gossip at some time. But we also know that gossip is a horrendous habit that can assault, crush and destroy even the strongest member of the community. Gossip…
Read MoreIs there someone who’s a fault finder in your life …. a confrere or a major superior? Is anyone telling you what’s wrong with you? Unless you’ve asked for an honest assessment, listen very guardedly. Ask Christ to teach you what he wants you to learn from it, but don’t stop there. Wait to hear…
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