Have you noticed the LITTLE CHILD behind the Christmas decors? It could happen that we might miss the child Jesus, too, this Christmas if we allow ourselves to get caught up in the consumerism and the syrupy feelings of the Yuletide Season. onz, oar
Read MoreHere is a story that we should reflect on throughout these weeks of Advent. Once there was a priest who was once telling a group of young children about Christmas. He described how Jesus was born in a cold, bleak stable-cave in the middle of winter. He emphasized how cold it was. There was no…
Read MoreADVENT AS PREPARATION The word advent comes from the Latin word ADVENIRE, ADVENTUS meaning to come. In its past participial form taken as a noun, its exact meaning is having come—with that nuance of the past lasting up to the present. When translated by the English word arrival, however, it assumes a specifically future aspect.…
Read More1st Sunday of Advent 29 November 2015 Reflection: As we start a new liturgical year and prepare for Christmas, our readings this Sunday exhort us to be vigilant and to pray. The Prophet Jeremiah, in the 1st Reading, calls us to wait patiently for the Lord, He will give justice and peace to all who…
Read MoreADVENT AS PILGRIMAGE OF HOPE, FAITH AND LOVE The biblical figures of Isaiah, Joh the Baptist and Mary synthesize advent. Isaiah represents the Old Testament with the promise and vision of the future Messiah inspiring us to hope despite great odds and the seeming adverse twists and turns of history. John the Baptist represents…
Read MoreYou cannot change a religious . . . Always accept that nothing can change circumstances as they are happening in your life, you can’t never change people with whom you interact at that moment of interaction period. When an occurrence in your life is not of your liking, it is nonetheless taking place. You will…
Read MoreOn religious entertainment There is nothing wrong with having celebrations in our life and moments of joy and relaxation. A religious life is glorious in moments of happiness. But there exists the danger of looking for entertainment and relaxation in activities or pastimes which can simply manipulate our passions, weaken our morals, and deeply offend…
Read MoreSolemnity of Christ, the Universal King 22 November 2015 Reflection: As we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King, we are called to uphold what is true and to bear witness to it even to offering ourselves. The gospel presents to us Jesus in front of Pilate, questioned about His kingship and Jesus clearly emphasized…
Read MoreOf Busy Religious The apostolate must be a work of Christian love or it comes to nothing. Can it be questioned that religious devoted to the spread of God’s kingdom are not moved by Christian love? To expand God’s kingdom is surely a labor of love, love of God and love of neighbor. Indeed! But…
Read MoreAlthough Mary was a privileged woman having been chosen to be the mother of Jesus, she had her share of all the trials and difficulties of life. That’s quite a good lesson for us to reflect on as we celebrate the memorial of Mary’s presentation. . At no other time in our history do we…
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