Education | REAP

OAR Visayas Schools’ 3 One Assembly

By Agustinos Recoletos | February 28, 2025 | Comments Off on OAR Visayas Schools’ 3 One Assembly
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The Visayas OAR schools gathered for the 3 Ones Assembly (February 26-27, 2025) to experience the sweetness of coming together as one family sharing with each other one’s best. Listening to the oratorical, declamation pieces and extemporaneous speeches of the young people was truly moving and enlightening. The young participants articulated their fears, frustrations, as well as the joys and dreams of the present generation, allowing the participants to see through their souls and their struggles.

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Day 2: 2024 REAP General Assembly

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DAY 1: 2024 REAP General Assembly

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2024 REAP General Assembly

‘Greater Value in Little Things.’ The delegates from Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos under the Community Extension & Development Office (CEDO) align the CEDO plans for 2024 with the activities of Lunhaw Ecological Ministry of the Diocese of San Carlos.

CEDO, Lunhaw-Diocese of San Carlos Map 2024 Plans at Assembly

The new year represents fresh opportunities, new beginnings and another chance to set out on a path of truly serving people and making a difference in the community. This also means that the pursuit of knowledge must be made manifest in the sincere service to others that begins with individuals and organizations that strategically make…


USJ-R to build fifth campus in Ormoc City

CEBU CITY – The fifth campus of the University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R) is set to rise in Leyte province by 2025. This was confirmed through a groundbreaking ceremony held on November 3, 2023 at Barangay Bantigue, Ormoc City. It was attended by Augustinian Recollect friars, project contractors, USJ-R alumni, and key government officials from…


Thomasians Offer Thanksgiving Mass on Their Patron’s Feast Day

SAN CARLOS CITY, Negros Occidental —It’s bleeding gold and red as Thomasians celebrate the feast day of the Patron Saint of Studies of the Order of Augustinian Recollects and of Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos with a Thanksgiving Mass at the iconic Quadrangle of Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos. Rev. Fr. Joel Dequilla, OAR, Vice-President for Finance…


USJ-R grad ranks first in September-October 2023 CPA exam

A graduate of the BS Accountancy program of the University of San Jose-Recoletos ranked first in the September-October 2023 Licensure Examination for Certified Public Accountants (LECPA). Hebban Tawantawan finished with a LECPA rating of 91.17%. He is the third Josenian who secured the Top 1 spot in the said licensure exam. Moreover, he is the…


Groundbreaking Ceremony of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church

CANLUBANG, Laguna – Today, October 2, marks a distinctive milestone in the history of San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Canlubang Campus. It is not merely because we, as a community, opened the Rosary Month but a more significant event took place as we celebrated the Groundbreaking of the Church in honor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.…

For the Working Scholars. Karl Osano, SSC president, and Julia Alfon, vice-president, turn over garments for the Ritarian working-scholars to Sr. Dela Cruz.

Thomasians Turn Over Donation for Ritarians

SAN CARLOS, Negros Occidental – September 4, 2023—One Recollect family, indeed. Thomasians turned over cash donations to Colegio de Sta. Rita de San Carlos, Inc. (CSR) amounting to Php 35,000, today. The help for Ritarians was collected during the Feast Day Mass in honor of St. Ezekiel Diaz Moreno (anticipated) last August 18. Thomasians, including…