Fr. Ismael’s visits to Mindanao highlighted the growth of faith and community spirit in these mission areas, and his encounters with the local people left a lasting impression. Visit to San Nicolas de Tolentino Mission Station At 5:30 AM on October 13, 2024, Fr. Xuruc, accompanied by Fr. Albert Pellazar, traveled to the San Nicolas de Tolentino Mission Station in Los Arcos, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur for his second visit. This mission, the newest Recollect community on the island of Mindanao, was established just two years ago, on September 10, 2022, during the feast of the Patron Saint. The first…

Eucharist and Mercy
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist finds its fullest meaning in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the High Priest of God, the Bread came down from heaven and the Sacrifice offered by God for the salvation of the world. That is why Jesus is Himself called the sacrament of the Father to His…

A Transforming Eucharist
BIBLICALLY SPEAKING § Leander Barrot, OAR On the second day of the IEC, the persona of St. Paul looms large. His conversion is commemorated and celebrated and how the saint preserved and promoted the memory of Christ’s love from possible demise is highlighted. Paul’s devotion to the Eucharist began with his meeting with the…

International Eucharistic Congress 2016 Day 4 Report
Cebu City, the Queen City of the South, has shown her vibrant faith again on the fourth day of the 51st International Eucharistic Congress.

International Eucharistic Congress 2016 Day 3 Report
(January 26, 2016) Cebu City–Thousands of participants gather here today at the IEC Pavilion for the third day of the 51st International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu City. Rev. Msgr. Richard Kayondo, national delegate and Vicar General of Uganda, led the morning prayers. In his short homily, he pointed out that “for each one of us,…

International Eucharistic Congress 2016 Day 2 Report
CEBU CITY, January 25, 2016—The Pavilion serves as the melting pot of thousands of Catholics representing 72 countries for the second day of the 51st International Eucharistic Congress. Today’s event opened with the morning prayers led by Most Rev. Patricio Buzon, SDB, DD and the Jesuit seminarians. Following the morning praise, the Most Rev. Miguel…

Kenyan Bishop visits Provincial Curia
PROVINCIAL CURIA—Most Rev. Dominick Kimenchich, S.M.A., bishop of Lodwar, Kenya paid a visit to the Prior Provincial, Fray Dionisio Selma, on January 22, 2016. The visit was partly occasioned by the bishop’s acquaintance with the Augustinian Recollect nuns in his diocese and partly by the 51st International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu where the prelate intends…

San Vicente Ferrer Chapel: inaugurated and blessed
Before the break of dawn on December 12, 2015, the people flocked in the ground of San Nicolas de Tolentino Church to fetch the first class bone-Relic of San Vicente Ferrer from St. Ezekiel Moreno Monastery of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns.

Sierra Leone is Ebola free!
Bacolod City—Today Sierra Leone is declared Ebola-free. Thanks to the divine providence and endless supplications. The people on that part of the globe can continue to live a normal life. Indeed the people of Sierra Leone have lost their loved ones, friends, or neighbors adding to the death toll of more than 10, 000. Africans…