UNOR Lay Admin attends Recollection
•March 26, 2016

The University Lay administrators set aside March 21 as a day to encounter the Lord through a Recollection given by Rev. Fr. Enrico Silab, OAR. The talks focused towards the attainment of an authentic encounter with God, especially during the season of Lent and the celebration of the Holy week.
Fr. Silab shared the concepts of humility, Metanoia , and love in the context of the Augustinian spirituality.  The talks  and reflections  culminated with the recitation of the Lectio Divina and the Holy Hour.   The day was capped with the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. This recollection is an annual activity of the UNO-R Campus Ministry Office under Fr. Persiuz Decena, OAR.