Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

December 19, 1940        

Laying down of the cornerstone of the school.

February 1941  

Petition for canonical status was obtained from Bishop Casimiro Lladoc of Bacolod.

June 23, 1941    

Solemn opening of the school’s first scholastic year.

July 20, 1941     

Blessing of the first building.

December 10, 1941        

The school closed due to onset of the second World War, during which school was converted into a hospital by the USAFFE (United States Army Forces Far East) and, later ,as a military office by the Japanese.

July 2, 1945        

Re-opening of the school.


Publication of “Thomasian Memoir,” the first annual as tribute to the 100th anniversary of the Recollects’ arrival in Negros.


Construction of the first building’s annex.


Construction seminary building at a new lot.


Start of the school’s co-educational system.


A new seminary building was inaugurated at a new lot which now separates the seminary compound from that of the school.

August 19, 2006               

Blessing of the renovated offices of the Accounting, Treasurer, Registrar, and the alumni and PTA.

June 12, 2007    

Blessing of the school’s new Faculty Lounge and Students’ computer lab.

School Directors

1941       Pedro Zunzarren

1946       Gregorio Espiga

1952       Bernardino Fabregat

1955       Federico Terradillos

1958       Martin Legarra

1961       Antonio Ausejo

1964       Jesus Solabre

1967       Jesus Martinez

1968       Melquiades Modequillo

1970       Anesio Villanueva

1973       Jose Ma. Juango

1976       Huberto Decena

1976       Delfin Castillo

1977       Rafael Cabarles

1979       Jose Ma. Juango

1982       Antonio Palacios

1985       Jose Ma. Juango

1988       Rafael Cabarles

1994       Lino Agunod

1997       Constantino Real

2000       Enrico Silab

2003       Pedro Escanillas

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Frei Bo

Frei Bo

Priest-Religious of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno. Webmaster.