UNO-R gets 100% in ME board exams

UNO-R College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department got 100% in the recent Board Examination for Mechanical Engineers.  The over-all national passing percentage is 55.3% only. 

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UNOR Dean SOT finalist

DEAN QUALIFIES FOR METROBANK SOT Dr. Riza T. Manalo, Dean of the UNO-Recoletos College of Education is one of the Provincial Finalists of the 2016 Metrobank Foundation Search for Outstanding Teachers (SOT). She will now vie for the national level.

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Of Years of Meetings

Of Years of Meetings We are aware that meetings are vital to the success of any organization ( OAR  Secretariats included). But the truth is that many religious see such copious meetings as a waste of time. In fact, in some Board Meetings, many are BORED to death. A columnist lately has said, “Rome did…

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Pointless points to ponder not . . .

POINTLESS POINTS TO PONDER NOT ***** *** There are times when I have observed lay persons manifest more concern for the health or well-being of a fellow religious than was shown by his brothers in the community. I have even been amazed at the charitable attention given to ailing confreres by the hired help in…

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Consecration of San Carlos City to the Risen Lord

MONTEAGUDO-RECOLETOS, San Carlos City- On Sunday, March 27 – Easter Sunday, the City of San Carlos, Negros Occidental, was consecrated to the Risen Lord. It was an afternoon of prayers and music which climaxed with the prayer of consecration. In response, Honourable Gerardo P. Valmayor, City Mayor of San Carlos City, praised and acknowledged the efforts…

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Of Gossiping

Do confreres gossip? Do they gossip about each other? I think we know the answer. And I think we know that all of us have been guilty of gossip at some time. But we also know that gossip is a horrendous habit that can assault, crush and destroy even the strongest member of the community. Gossip…

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UNOR Lay Admin attends Recollection

The University Lay administrators set aside March 21 as a day to encounter the Lord through a Recollection given by Rev. Fr. Enrico Silab, OAR.  The talks focused towards the attainment of an authentic encounter with God, especially during the season of Lent and the celebration of the Holy week.

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Of Trust

Can you just have the trust to: Cast the nets where there is no fish. Feed 5,000 men with five loaves of bread. Get off a boat and walk in the waves. Fill up some jars with 600 liters of water when the wine runs out. Run to the pool of Siloah with mud in…

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Easter Sunday (Alternative Reading: Lk 24:13-35)

EASTER SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S RESURRECTION (Alternative Reading Lk 24:13-35)             Two disciples are on the road to Emmaus. They have a problem: they placed all their hopes in Jesus and now all they have is shattered dreams. The leaders put Jesus to death. It has been three days and still no word from the…

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   Is there someone who’s a fault finder in your life …. a confrere or a major superior? Is anyone telling you what’s wrong with you? Unless you’ve asked for an honest assessment, listen very guardedly. Ask Christ to teach you what he wants you to learn from it, but don’t stop there. Wait to hear…

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