1st Sunday of Advent2 December 2018 | Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 Reflection: As we begin our new Liturgical Year in the Church, we are invited to look at the end. The end or goal must be clear to us. Our readings this Sunday points to the end where Christ is, this is also our…
Read More32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time11 November 2018 | Mk 12:38-44 Reflection: How do we measure generosity? Oftentimes, we measure it according to the amount given by a donor. Christ, however, gives us another criterion to consider, that is ‘How much do we give of ourselves in our giving?’ Jesus gives us the example…
Read More31st Sunday in Ordinary Time4 November 2018 | Mk 12:28b-34 Reflection: The Commandments are guides towards a fruitful life. God gave us the commandments not to burden us with so many dos and don’ts. Rather, these are clear cut ways towards holiness. These commandments are summarized in the word ‘love’. We can, therefore, say that…
Read More30th Sunday in Ordinary Time28 October 2018 | Mk 10:46-52 Reflection: “Master, I want to see.” This may seem to be a simple request. But this opens to us a very rich desire of a person in darkness, whether physically or spiritually. Many of us have sound eyes but we cannot see the…
Read More29th Sunday in Ordinary Time21 October 2018 | Mk 10:35-45 Reflection: Those who have worked marvels, those who fought for the country, those who can do difficult things with ease are considered to be great. This is the human standard of measuring greatness. Christian life goes beyond these standards because the standard of greatness…
Read More28th Sunday in Ordinary Time14 October 2018 | Mt 10:17-30 Reflection: What do you treasure most in your life? What do look for in life? These questions would seem to imply very mundane things. But there is always something beyond what we desire that belongs to the heavenly sphere. Jesus was asked by a rich…
Read More27th Sunday in Ordinary Time7 October 2018 | Mk 10:2-16 Reflection: Our Readings this Sunday invites us to a deeper understanding of God’s plan for human beings. He never intended man to be alone and He created a suitable partner for him. God has willed that man be a social being. Man has to relate…
Read More26th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Mk 9:38-43; 45; 47-48 30 September 2018 Reflection: Our Readings this Sunday invite us to see the wonders of God’s ways. Our attitude is always to segregate things according to how things work, we can easily compartmentalize things. God is a God of unity and of harmony. He gives…
Read More25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 23 September 2018 | Mk. 9:30-37 Reflection: The Gospel this Sunday invites us to see the wonders of God’s power. Jesus emphasized that the key towards understanding His passion is humility. Only when one humbles himself/herself will one be able to understand the Paschal Mystery. To receive the Gospel message…
Read More24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 16 September 2018 | Mk 8:27-35 Reflection: Christian life is an imitation of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord challenges us in our Gospel that knowing Him is being open to any possible suffering that may come because of Him. When a Christian is a Christian only when good things are…
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